Cerberus IT Solutions Blog

Cerberus IT Solutions has been serving the Texas area since 2016, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Quickly Split Text Between Columns in Microsoft Excel

Tip of the Week: Quickly Split Text Between Columns in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a handy tool to help businesses keep their data organized… provided it has been used accurately and to its full potential. However, it isn’t uncommon for some people to cram all the information of a record into a single cell and limit the value that Excel has to offer. Once this goes on long enough, it can feel like there’s no fixing it.

Let’s go over how you can, in fact, fix it.

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You’ll Be Surprised at the Art That Has Been Made Using Excel

You’ll Be Surprised at the Art That Has Been Made Using Excel

Defining art can be a challenging task, particularly in light of the constantly evolving techniques and mediums. At its core, art can be succinctly described as the creative expression of an individual using some form of medium.

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Tip of the Week: Use People Graphs in Excel for Data Visualization

Tip of the Week: Use People Graphs in Excel for Data Visualization

With Microsoft Excel, you can use visuals to represent your data, providing greater context for the contents of your spreadsheets and making it easier to communicate what it all means. This week’s tip focuses on People Graphs, a feature that can be powerful when used appropriately.

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Tip of the Week: How to Copy Excel Data

Tip of the Week: How to Copy Excel Data

So, you’ve spent a ton of time and energy transcribing data into Microsoft Excel, only to find out that you need this same data elsewhere in your spreadsheets, too. Bit of a bummer, unless you know how to accurately and easily copy all of this data. Let’s go over how you can do so.

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Farewell, Microsoft Office…Hello Microsoft 365!

Farewell, Microsoft Office…Hello Microsoft 365!

Microsoft’s initiative to rebrand Microsoft Office is reaching the final stage of its journey—a plan that has been years in the making. What will this assimilation into the Microsoft 365 brand mean for users of Microsoft’s services and products?

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Tip of the Week: 4 Simple Microsoft Word Tips

Tip of the Week: 4 Simple Microsoft Word Tips

If you use Microsoft Word as your word processor of choice, then you know it’s a great solution, but you might not be getting the most value out of it. To help you get more value out of Word, we’ve put together four quick and easy tips that can help you organize and format your documents so they can look their best.

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Tip of the Week: Handy Productivity Features in Microsoft Word

Tip of the Week: Handy Productivity Features in Microsoft Word

Many businesses rely to some degree on Microsoft Word as their word processor of choice. Considering this, it seemed fitting to go over some of the productivity-supporting features that Word has to offer.

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Tip of the Week: Microsoft Word Features You May Not Have Known About

Tip of the Week: Microsoft Word Features You May Not Have Known About

If your business utilizes Microsoft Word in any way, shape, or form, there’s a good chance that you aren’t using it to its full capabilities. Let’s go over just a few of the features that the software offers that can assist you in excelling (whoops… wrong Office application) in your day-to-day responsibilities, and how to put them to use.

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Tip of the Week: Embedding a Video into a PowerPoint Presentation

Tip of the Week: Embedding a Video into a PowerPoint Presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint is an extremely effective visual tool for helping to get a message across. Oftentimes, however, a video clip can be even more effective at driving home a point or summarizing a topic than a presentation. Of course, you don’t necessarily have to choose between one or the other. Let’s go over how you can embed a YouTube video directly into a presentation built in Microsoft PowerPoint.

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Tip of the Week: Setting Up Excel to Track Changes

Tip of the Week: Setting Up Excel to Track Changes

Today’s software solutions are hugely benefited by the collaborative capabilities that are now included in them, but this is not to say that there isn’t the potential for confusion as people make changes to documents. Some software lets you track these changes, which is particularly useful in particularly dense applications like Microsoft Excel.

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Tip of the Week: How to Switch Microsoft Word to Dark Mode

Tip of the Week: How to Switch Microsoft Word to Dark Mode

Anyone who spends a lot of time sitting in front of a computer screen knows how much of a problem eye strain can be. With symptoms ranging from irritation to headaches and exhaustion, it is no wonder that many applications are trying to address this issue with varying success with “dark” or “night” modes. Let’s consider Microsoft Word’s approach to this and see if we can’t find a simpler way to adjust your settings and save your eyes no small amount of hassle.

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Tip of the Week: What You Can Do with PDFs

Tip of the Week: What You Can Do with PDFs

Most computer users have at least a passing familiarity with Portable Document Format files, better known as PDFs. As a tip, we’ll review how a PDF can be created, and even edited.

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Cerberus IT Solutions
311 Fieldstone
Victoria, Texas 77901

Cerberus IT Solutions